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Animal Safety and Protection Month!

by Heather Carter October 11, 2022

Animal Safety and Protection Month!

This month, along with every month, it is important for pet owners to learn about the most common health concerns for their pets as well as tips to keep their animals healthy, safe, and happy!

Our pets cannot tell us when they are in pain or when something is wrong, so it is up to us to notice the subtle signs that indicate they are not feeling well or are in pain. It is our responsibility to be proactive about their overall wellness and to take the necessary steps to keep them healthy!

Every loving pet parent wants the best for their furry friends, but it can be difficult to know which steps you should take to help keep your pets safe and healthy. Here are some tips and tricks every pet parent should know about animal safety and protection!

Stay Up to Date with Vet Visits and Vaccinations!

It is extremely important to keep up with your yearly veterinary visits, even when your pet seems fine. Prevention is key! Veterinarians are trained to know the signs of distress in our pets and can help ensure the proper immunizations and wellness tests are given to our pets before any health concerns are even present. This can also help with early detection and treatment that can make all the difference in our furry friend’s overall health and well-being!

Know The Signs of An Allergic Reaction!

Just like with humans, animals of all types and sizes can suffer from allergic reactions of all kinds and levels of severity. Signs of an allergic reaction can include redness, itching, obsessive licking, swelling, vomiting, or difficulty breathing. If you suspect your pet is suffering an allergic reaction you should contact your local veterinarian immediately and be prepared to take them in for a check-up right away.

Keep Toxic Foods and Plants Away from Your Pets!

Our pets love to try and eat the same foods that we enjoy, but not all of them are good for our four-legged friends. This is also true for the plants (both indoor and outdoor) that we may have around our homes.

Some Foods to Avoid:

-Fruits with stones/seeds
-Cauliflower, Cabbage, and Broccoli
-Bran Products
-Bread, Rolls, Donuts, Etc.
-Dairy Products
-Onions and Garlic
-Grapes & Raisins
-Hops and Ethanol
-Xylitol (Artificial Sweetener)

Some Plants to Avoid (Indoor & Outdoor):

-Baby’s Breath & Birds of Paradise
-Daffodils & Dahlias
-Irises & Peonies
-Gardenias & Gladiolas
-Hyacinth & Hydrangeas
-Yew & Red Maple Leaves
-Wisteria & Ivy
-St. John’s Wort

It is never a good idea to leave our pets unsupervised, but we cannot always be around to keep an eye on them! Knowing what foods and plants to avoid will help keep your pets safe even when you are not with them.

Keep Pets Away from Household Chemicals!

Animals are often curious about all the different objects and substances around the house and that includes dangerous household chemicals such as detergents, bleach, fertilizers, glues, and other cleaners. These substances can cause harm to your pets not only from being inhaled or swallowed, but also from contact with your pet’s skin or fur. Keep your pets away from any area being cleaned, or where you are using any of those chemicals, and store all chemicals safely out of reach and locked away when you are finished.

Include Your Pets in Your Disaster Preparedness Plans!

When a disaster occurs, whether it is from an earthquake, fire, hurricane, or blizzard, you never what the outcome will be. It is important to have a plan in place for your family but do not forget to include your furry family members as well! Ensure that everyone in your family will have access to food, water, shelter, and medications, even if you lose power or must evacuate. Keep a fully stocked first-aid kit available that is often checked and updated.

Know the Signs of Dehydration!

Our pets can become dehydrated for a number of reasons, no matter the season. It is important to act quickly when signs of dehydration begin to occur. These signs can include loss of skin elasticity, dry mouth, sunken eyes, panting, or exhaustion. If you notice any of these signs, or if your pet is simply acting outside of their typical behavior, contact your trusted veterinarian as soon as possible!

Make sure your pets ALWAYS have access to fresh, clean water no matter if it is winter or summer! Dehydration is a grave concern and should always be taken very seriously.

Keep Their Tags & Microchip Updated!

Collars and tags are not foolproof and can sometimes get broken or fall off. Knowing that your pet also has a fully updated microchip will give you the peace of mind needed in the event your pet gets lost or ends up in a shelter. A microchip will enable someone to have access to your contact information and will help reunite you with your furry friend!

Remember if you move or change your phone number, be sure to update your contact information accordingly!

Though October is just one month out of twelve, these safety measures should be attended to all year round! With effective safety practices in place, your furry friends will be able to lead safer, happier, and healthier lives!

Heather Carter


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